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What we offer


We have dedicated activities that cater to the community we serve. Explore our health, wellness and play activities on offer.
yellow to green gradient back ground image
young boy of african heritage smiling widely in a swimming cap and googles with bhis hands on his hips
Aqua Splash title image
green to blue gradient back ground image
mixed race young man smiling whilst running
Athletics title image
Blue to pink gradient back ground image
young woman holding a badminton racket
Badminton title image
yellow to green gradient back ground image
young woman holding a basketball smiling at the camera
Basketball title image
green to blue gradient back ground image
excited young girl hands in the air smiling wildly
Birthday Parties title image
Blue to pink gradient back ground image
Fitness Classes title image
yellow to green gradient back ground image
smiling young east asian man with football under his arm
Football title image
green to blue gradient back ground image
young woman of african heritage smiling holding a b ottle of water and an exercise mat
Women and girls title image
Blue to pink gradient back ground image
woman smiling holding a water bottle with a towel round her shoulders
Gym Workout title image
yellow to green gradient back ground image
young woman doing a back flip on a beam in a gymnastics session
Gymnastics title image
Blue to pink gradient back ground image
A woman wrapped in a towel with a towel wrapped around her head
A young girl lifting a dumbell
Junior Gym title image
yellow to green gradient back ground image
excited widely smiling girl with her hands up over her head
Purple Gradient Spa Background
young smiling girl in softplay environment hanging on to a slide
Softplay title image
Purple Gradient Spa Background
young woman smiling in a spa pool
Spa title image
Blue to pink gradient back ground image
A man smiling in swimming hat with towel
Swimming title image
yellow to green gradient back ground image
A man plays tennis image
Tennis title image
Purple Gradient Spa Background
About Us

Be Well, run by Tower Hamlets Council, provides leisure services to support residents’ journeys to healthier lifestyles through health, wellness and play.

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